Pandemic Cleaning Story – My Blog
I am amused at the pandemic cleaning story a friend was telling me. She is cleaning her house top to bottom, room by room. Cleaning out the clutter that some twenty years has accumulated in her home. To some extent George and I have been doing that in our home. Tackling projects that have eluded us in the eighteen months we have lived here. We are not alone in the process.
I want to share that about two weeks ago this blog has been going through a cleaning process as well. I have reorganized categories, cleaned up SEO and rewritten so many poorly written posts. The job is not completed, but it did get me thinking.
Some examples of this cleaning process include:
- Peace found through stillness
- Let’s talk a little about grief…..
- Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt…
- There is always hope for redemption….
- See the World Differently
- What’s my vision?
Then there are new writings which include:
- The Pandemic Waiting Game
- What Spirit Really Wants From Us
- Shelter at Home – Brings me thoughts of my Mom
Why Are There So Many Pandemic Cleaning Stories
Pandemic cleaning is a way to focus all this nervous energy that we are trying to process. Somehow make sense of all the craziness that is happening in the world. It calms us, it gives us a sense of control and order. More importantly it gives us accomplishment. I know as I see the to do list dwindle and the fact that my writing is becoming better as a result. There is a feeling a joy. With so much sadness in the world, joy is a nice thing.
What is your pandemic cleaning story?