Having hope for redemption makes life worth living. Redemption is a theme lately with me. I sat and really listened to this and it resonated with me. So many people have lost hope because they have failed in so many ways. The failure was a lesson, too many forget that.
This talk is powerful. That there is a disconnect in this world. Change has consequences and we have to understand them. The world is growing less familiar. The experiences that many are experiencing are not easy. Flexibility and freedom are not all that it is made out to be.
Failure often means loss. Loss of a person, thing or an ideal. Often it means change. Change we are not ready for.
Hope for Redemption
The concept that someone can redeem themselves after doing something bad is one that Spiritualist believe is possible. It is in our principles. It is through our actions that we find a way to redeem ourselves. Actions always speak louder than words. It is important to think about this for a moment.
Listen to this and take the time to think about what he says. This was presented in 2016 and now it is even more poignant. There is always hope for redemption for everyone.
Thank you so much!! have a nice day.