The Pandemic Waiting Game
This is an unprecedented time in history and we are playing a waiting game. We are in the midst of a world-wide pandemic. The Spanish Flu pandemic came in three waves. The first wave arrived in the spring of 1918; the second (and most deadly), in the fall of 1918; and the third, in the early spring of 1919. I remember watching Downton Abbey when the Spanish Flu hit the estate.
Last week was a crazy as we prepared to hunker down. I have been practicing social distancing because I still am recovering from the three surgeries. Now I have a hernia that I am nursing along, so we really need me not to get sick. So we are taking this very seriously. As we watch the numbers increase daily, it is mind-boggling how fast it has taken over.
Sure it can be boring, but we are finding a new routine. Just like when I was recovering from surgery. If you put it into perspective, Anne Frank and seven other individuals hid in a 450 square foot attic for 761 days to stay alive. We don’t have it that bad, we are not hiding from people that want to kill us and our 1,760 sf home is quiet spacious. George also has the basement to work in. We have plenty of things to keep us engaged. It just is a matter of focus.
Starting to write every day and finding a new routine. I am not going to let Cabin Fever take me over. I will clean, cook and take part on all the hobbies that I keep meaning to do. My development circle has gone on-line.
My best advice — don’t give into the fear and the panic. Take this time to reassess things in your life. What are your real priorities? Take time to call, email, text or mail a letter to those that may be more vulnerable. Count your blessing. Take time and invest in a new hobby or start walking every day while practicing social distancing. Take this seriously, don’t believe you are not vulnerable, because the reality of it is we all are.