Tag: Judgement
Accepting People Where THEY Are At…
The next time you feel the need to judge someone stop for a moment and think about what you are going to say. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is the best thing you can do.
Failure to Launch
Failure to Launch: Navigating the Challenges of Parenting Grown Children As parents, we all hope to see our children grow into independent, self-sufficient adults. For many of us, this dream becomes a reality as our children leave the nest, find their paths, and blossom into their potential. However, for others, the journey is not so […]
Breaking Spiritual Elitism
Breaking Spiritual Elitism: Why There’s No ‘Right Way’ to Practice Mediumship Spiritual elitism is a real thing. In spiritual communities, differences are inevitable. There are various styles of mediumship, such as Direct (American style) and Indirect (British style), along with church-based practices and secular practices (psychic fairs and private practice). Each approach has unique strengths […]
Slamming Doors
If you feel the need to start slamming doors around me; please don’t. There are people that do it on a regular basis, and if you are the kind of person to slam a door when you are angry — you may want to take pause. In fact don’t slam a door in front of […]
The Inner Journey: Why Internal Work is Vital for Mediumship Development
Embarking on the path of mediumship is a deeply personal journey. Each individual’s experience is unique, shaped by their past, beliefs, and inner struggles. Yet, despite these differences, there is a common thread that binds us all. The importance of self-awareness and personal healing in nurturing our abilities as mediums. Self-awareness acts as a guiding […]
Embracing the Spirituality of Your Small Church
To start, I worship at a small church in Rochester New York. We often have conversations about how to grow. That has had me thinking a lot about this over the years. I have even written a suggested guide to selecting a Spiritualist Church. Let us explore a topic close to my heart – the […]
What makes me different?
What Makes me Different post was originally posted on April 6, 2015. I am revisiting it today in hopes that I may help someone else who needs to hear this. I see now ever more so how important it is to let go of the fears ruling our lives. What Makes me Different I sit […]
Weekly Affirmations – Taking our Power
I will never give a person the power to use their words or actions to destroy my self esteem.
Seeking Feedback: Ego Stroke or Growth Opportunity?
Seeking feedback is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth, helping individuals identify their strengths and areas for improvement. However, not all that seek or give feedback is the same. Some seek feedback with genuine intentions to improve, while others might be secretly fishing for compliments to boost their ego. Distinguishing between these two […]