Rev. Colleen Irwin Loading
Row Row Your Boat Music

This song has been kicking around me for weeks.   I find myself singing it in the most unusual places and it playing in my head all the time.   Spirit has a way about making sure that you see things that you need to see.   And right now I understand I am to focus on my own stuff.   This song is appearing when I am getting distracted with “projects” that are meant to take me away from the task at hand.

A Song Reminds us to Focus

Not worry about others and what they are doing, but focus on my own stuff.   Perhaps the world would be a lot happier place for people if they did more of that themselves.   Just thought I would share that today.

There are so many situations that I could delve in to and “fix” or volunteer my time.   But right now I need to get back on track.  I need to finish my book and get my professional life back on track.   I know that is what I need to do.    I started yesterday when I was asked to volunteer to work an event this summer.    As honored and flattered that they thought I could do the job (and I could) I used a word that is hard for me.  No.

Pretty powerful to say it and not feel guilty.   So the next time someone asks you to do something that you do not want to do or it would take away from what you need to do remember all you have to say is “No thank you, I am over committed right now.”

Writing is part of my daily tasks to be able to achieve my goal of finishing my book.   It is starting to feel like a finished piece.    I am very excited….

Rev. Colleen Irwin
Reverend Colleen Irwin is a Wife, Healer, Psychic Medium, Mentor, Author, and Public Speaker from Rochester, New York, with over 30 years of business experience, including her work as a real estate broker. Colleen’s background in training REALTORS honed her skills in conflict resolution, marketing strategies, and analytical as well as presentation skills, which she now applies to her spiritual education and coaching. Colleen teaches, lectures, and serves Spirit, sharing her lifelong connection with the spiritual world, as captured in her book 'Discovering Your Stream.' She has studied with renowned mediums John White and Lisa Williams and was mentored by Reverend Jack Rudy. Ordained in the Order of Melchizedek by Reverend Dan Chesboro, Colleen is also a PREVIVOR who educates others about the BRCA genetic mutation and taking control of their health. Her mission is to empower women through life’s significant changes—whether it be a career shift, parental care giving, health crises, relationship transformations, or spiritual awakenings. Through spiritual education, inspirational talks, and coaching, Colleen offers guidance and hope, helping women embrace their new purpose.
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