To end the year that shall not be named again, I had my wisdom teeth removed plus one extra tooth that was hanging around causing me issues. Ironically that was in the plan in 2019 before I got my BRCA2 diagnosis. Since that diagnosis I have had many invasive surgeries and I have dealt with pain. My wisdom teeth fell lower on the priority list.
So I figured that this surgery would be easy. I was wrong. The pain has been so intense it has made me sick to my stomach. I can’t even begin to come off the narcotics, which every other surgery I was off by this juncture. I spent the majority of yesterday and Sunday sleeping as a result. I guess it is going to take me some time to bounce from this one.
I had been waiting way too long to have this done, the pressure in my mouth some days was unbearable, so I had to have it done. Covid-19 delayed it further because of the dangers of infection. Now it is just a matter of getting through the recovery pain. I am lucky, I am healing, albeit rather inconvenienced by pain. Over time the memories of this time will fade into the distance. Right now I am just a little bit on overload. I don’t have time for this to be an issue.