Spirituality and Religion — same or different?

Originally written in 2016, this continues to be a popular post the question so powerful about religious people. Are you Religious or Spiritual? This is a post that has sat in draft since March, each day I come to it and write something, edit something out, fix a sentence or exit without making a change.  […]

5 mins read

What is Clairaudience or Clear Hearing

Definition:  Clairaudience, which means clear hearing, is the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside sources in the spirit world. Psychics who are clairaudient hear voices, sounds or music that are not audible to the normal ear. They receive these messages mentally or within their ears.  This is an interesting gift.   For me I […]

1 min read

Saint Anthony – the “finder of lost articles.”

Today is my grandmother’s birthday.  Saint Anthony’s feast day is June 13th.   My mother’s mother always prayed to Saint Anthony when something was lost.   It always seemed to work when we were looking for something. Prayer to Saint Anthony Something of mine went missing this morning, frustrated I asked out loud to St. Anthony and […]

1 min read