Using Your Intuition with Tarot

Intuition And Tarot Reading Intuition with Tarot is so very important.  You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. Often that requires us to quiet our minds to allow the information to flow.  More importantly for us to trust what we are […]

3 mins read

Are You Going Crazy?

Feeling like you are going crazy or that you are losing your mind?   If you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, it probably means you are sane. Initially psychic opening feels like this.  People who are going through it often start their conversations with lines like you are going to think I am crazy […]

5 mins read

Spirituality and Religion — same or different?

Originally written in 2016, this continues to be a popular post the question so powerful about religious people. Are you Religious or Spiritual? This is a post that has sat in draft since March, each day I come to it and write something, edit something out, fix a sentence or exit without making a change.  […]

5 mins read