Year of Peace. That is what I want. I have struggled over the years, fought what it was that I was going to do with my life. I am finding balance.
If you have been following my blog for many years you know that I take time each year and select three words to focus on. Last year was the Year of Connection for me. And it paid off in some pretty amazing ways. My other two words are Discernment and Adventure.
Where 2018 was an amazing year. Connection I thought I had cheated on, but in reality it was the connection to myself that brought me the greatest joy and gratitude.
By definition these three words are:
- Peace – freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
- Discernment – the ability to judge well.
- Adventure – daring and exciting activity calling for enterprise and enthusiasm.
George selected Understanding, Fun & Balance. Since our words affect both of us, I need to acknowledge them as well. There is power in focusing on the words we use so these three words will have impact on me in ways I cannot not begin to understand. I will just have to wait and see how these words play out in the coming year. I hope that this will encourage you to select three words and focus on them yourself.
Each word has had an impact for the year. Just look at the past words I have used:
- 2018 – Connection, Joy & Gratitude (I started George with this tradition and his words were Patience, Fortitude and Healing — which bleed over into my life and mine into his)
- 2017 – Forgiveness, Trust & Love
- 2016 – Patience, Genuine & Steadfast (Spirituality, Growth & Faith)
- 2015 – Fearless, Compassion & Persistence
These words don’t stop when the year is over, my focus just changes on them into the new words. I warned George about the word Patience, it was a huge lesson for me in 2016 and it was apparent that there was more lessons that needed to be learned last year.
This year of peace is first and foremost the most important word. 2018 was a year of changes, both big and small. Every change I had George there right with me, there were joyous moments and some not so great moments too. But through it, I had a patient man holding my hand with the fortitude that we could get through anything as long as we did it together. Together we healed our hearts and started a great adventure together. For that I am so grateful.