Why do I write about my experiences?
This is simple to answer why I write about my experiences. I started this journey struggling for answers. This is stuff that I have learned that Google cannot answer. For the longest time I thought I was alone on this journey.
We are not alone…
It takes great patience to be still enough to hear and interpret the guidance given to us. I repeatedly am told I am a teacher. That is tough to do when there are no books to teach with. As I learn things, I am inspired to share them.
This is the way I can pay people back for their kindness along my path. Finding a way to help others. I may never meet the person that happens upon one of my posts. They may never comment and let me know that I changed their lives for the better.
I don’t write for the accolades, I write because it helps me get things straight in my head. It is a benchmark that life is steadily getting better. I am forever grateful to those that have written about their experiences, as I take away something from what they wrote and become a stronger Medium.
Sharing is Caring
Most of what we learn along our Spiritual Path we don’t learn from a source we are familiar with. It is okay to be confused and struggle along the way. This is a genuine struggle. One that has ups and downs. You will have moments of despair. Steadfastly go about your business and have patience that things will improve and become clear to you.
I write because I am inspired to. Both Spiritually and Professionally. I pay it forward and help others along the way because the kindness shown to me at one point or another. That in doing so it is the greatest gift I can give those that have helped me along the way. I recognize people cross my path for one reason or another. Sometimes it is a lesson I need to learn, sometimes they need to learn something. Other times I am the inspiration that they will get through a difficult time.
I write for me. If I am able to help someone else; perhaps even you, then that is the icing on the cake!