I often feel like Alice in Wonderland. Easy is not a term I would use to describe this time in my life. In fact it has been anything but that. I have struggled along the way to find the happier person I am today. My life is not perfect, but I am moving forward. In that I am grateful.
Lately I feel most like Alice in this world. This round of Mercury in Retrograde has had a significant impact on me. I have been reflecting on much and all that has happened over the past few years. Looking back I am amazed at how far I things have changed.
This life I have is not what I had envisioned years ago. I know it is not the life my parents dreamed for me. There are others around me who are more successful, they have more things, they have busy lives. From what I see they are happy. But are they?
Happiness is a State of Mind
I have to constantly remind myself that I cannot measure my own happiness against that of others. Defining who I am has become a priority, understanding my own likes and building a life that will make me happy. Everyone’s “perfect” life on social media it is what they want others to see. We don’t see all the negative stuff, their doubts and anxiety.
The last few months I have been working a lot on the Spiritual side of me, and that is where I am. Working with my gifts and sharing with others. I can’t remember a time in my life that I was more at peace and calm. Above all, what I am doing has to be enough. Things are changing each day as I take care of me. The things I struggle with are big to me. Giving myself the grace to grow is all I can do right now.