Really there are no mistakes when it comes to loving people. I am a little dumbfounded right now. I recently had a conversation with a friend and they just had a nasty breakup with their significant other. They said “I wasted so much time loving this person” and this song (which they introduced me to the artist) immediately played in my head:
Are there really No Mistakes?
Why is it that when a relationship goes away there has to be blame and regret for loving someone? I sit back and ponder this out loud because for so long I have felt that way about one or another person that I loved. Reality is they were just a blip in my history. Good. Bad. Indifferent. I regretted loving them, but had I not done so I would not be where I am today. The love that I shared, the experiences I had with them are preparing me for what I asked for in the first place.
The reality is that each one has taught me something about myself. That time spent is not a waste. You loved. Love is so important in this world. We all need more of it. Not just the romantic kind, but love in general.
The only mistake is to not love
Our fear stops love from happening. Too often we let fear of loss stop us, forgetting that we are here to learn. Part of that learning is to love without fear. That can be a tall order after some of the hurts we have experienced. But that is the point, we need to have those hurts and love after being so hurt.
Loving someone means we find a way to be fearless. That is a beautiful thing – to watch someone who has been so broken find a way to love. When we are fearless we take chances, we grow and expand ourselves. We make this world a little brighter, a little kinder and really — isn’t that why we are here — To love and be loved?
Just my pondering today…