sound of silence
I was blown away by this song when I heard it performed almost better than the original recording of it.   The Sound of Silence.  You know how you come across a song that just reminds you too much time has gone by since you have spoken to someone.   I think it is time I pick up the phone and reconnect with several people.

Don’t let the Sound of Silence Stop You

Perhaps you too will want to make a call to someone you have lost connection with.   It is never too late.  Reach out.  It is time to let go of those wounds that created the silence in the first place.  Try if that is what in your heart you want to do.   Time does heal wounds over time.

I sense a theme in my life first my talk on Sunday and now coming across this rendition of a classic song from my youth.   Sunday and Monday as I gave messages it was all related to songs.  The song came first and then the person for which the message was directly related to the song.

Some times Spirit speaks to you in unusual ways.   If you are reading this post, it is time for your to try one more time…

Rev. Colleen Irwin
Reverend Colleen Irwin is a Spiritual being having a human experience as a Blogger, Wife, Mother, Mentor, Healer and Public Speaker living in Rochester New York. Colleen, a Natural Born Medium, teaches, lectures and serves Spirit when called upon. She remembers speaking with Spirit as a child and learning how to share this knowledge with others has been an adventure that she captured in her book “Discovering Your Stream”. Colleen has been mentored by Reverend Jack Rudy, and ordained as a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek by the Reverend Dan Chesboro through the Sanctuary of the Beloved. When she is not doing her Spiritual work she is a volunteer docent sharing Susan B. Anthony's history to visitors of the Susan B. Anthony House in Rochester. Her trust in Spirit gave her a new title – PREVIVOR. She now uses her platform to educate others about the BRCA genetic mutation and how one can take control of their health and well-being.
Nicholas Previous post Happy 21st Birthday Nicholas!
this song Next post There is a reason this song is playing in my head tonight…