Technology and Technical Support
It is amazing how technology has taken over our lives. With the upcoming Christmas holiday and the increased number of electronic devices we all have; this is going to be a public service post.
I am writing this because I have run into a situation that I have needed technical support on an electronic device that needed returning. I am hopefully going to help someone else save a lot of stress. It was lucky that I purchased it at Walmart that I could call their Electronic payment Hotline at (479) 277-2643. I got a replacement receipt.
Technology Tip
Every home should have a folder that has page sleeves for each electronic device. In that sleeve you should have the manual and receipt for the device. Some manufactures require a copy of the receipt as proof of purchase. Have that it is easy. Don’t; and you may become very frustrated.
I hope that this saves someone a lot of time and effort. Just think when you need a manual it will be easily at hand and you won’t have to try searching the internet for it. Technology has changed our lives, not always for the better. If we find ways to work with it, we can do well.