What makes me different?
What Makes me Different post was originally posted on April 6, 2015. I am revisiting it today in hopes that I may help someone else who needs to hear this. I see now ever more so how important it is to let go of the fears ruling our lives.
What Makes me Different
I sit back and watch the struggle that many people experience in their relationships. Personally, I have been pushed to the edge of my fear when it comes to relationships.
I have become strong and loving. My life is happy because I faced my fear and moved forward. In saying that I also know how difficult it is to do just that. I remember being absolutely terrorized by it.
Letting Go is Key
I am different and open to the joy available to me now. Other than I let it go; the need to control everything. I am just glad that I able to recognize it and thank the Universe for all that has come into my life. I have learned that I don’t have to prove my worth to someone — they will appreciate me or I should walk away.
What makes me different is that I accept that the Universe has a plan and I no longer fight that plan. Everything thing I need will come to me at the moment that I need it. I do not need to control the process. Just be open to it coming to me.