Mercury in Retrograde – November 16, 2018 – December 6, 2018
Mercury in Retrograde. Three words that strike terror in so many. It doesn’t have to, if you want to look at it in a different way. What if you looked at it as a way to review what has happened in the last few months, regroup and refocus your upcoming moves in life? Because ever since I have done that, Mercury in Retrograde is not so terrible.
It is a time for Reflection — Not Panic!
I actually look forward to it and do just that. As Mercury in Retrograde approaches I take time and do the following:
- Backup my computers
- Clear out my cell phone of any unnecessary data
- Make sure that any normal maintenance is done on any vehicles (oil change, etc)
- Ensure that I am not going to purchase any electronics in the near future
- Make sure all my correspondence is up to date
- Remember that there can be a shadow period before and after each retrograde, keep calm if something goes awry
During Mercury in Retrograde I make sure:
- That I double proof read anything that I write
- If I can delay any travel plans, electronic or auto purchases. If it is absolutely necessary, I double check every detail as possible.
- I show extra patience with others as communication can be difficult
- I review things that I have been learning — I have found that major jumps in my mediumship happen as a result
- Take a deep breath before I react to something that upsets me.
Take this upcoming retrograde to reevaluate things that are going on in your life. Last year I did just that and looked deeply at a friendship of mine and saw it was something more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Today we are married and settling into our new home. Sometimes reviewing things brings things clear and starts you on a path that is wonderful….
Future Dates of Mercury in Retrograde:
- March 5 – 28, 2019 in water-sign Pisces
- July 7 – 31, 2019 starts in fire-sign Leo, ends in water-sign Cancer
- October 31 – November 20, 2019 in water-sign Scorpio
- February 18 – March 9, 2020 in water-sign Pisces, ends in air-sign Aquarius
- June 17 – July 12, 2020 in water-sign Cancer
- October 13 – November 3, 2020 in water-sign Scorpio, ends in air-sign Libra
- January 30, 2021 – February 20, 2021 in air-sign Aquarius
- May 29, 2021 – June 22, 2021 in air-sign Gemini
- September 27, 2021 – October 18, 2021 in air-sign Libra
- January 14, 2022 – February 3, 2022 starts in air sign Aquarius, ends in earth-sign Capricorn
- May 10, 2022 – June 2, 2022 starts in air sign Gemini, ends in earth-sign Taurus
- September 9, 2022 – October 2, 2022 starts in air-sign Libra, ends in earth-sign
- December 29, 2022 – January 18, 2023 in earth-sign Capricorn