October has been a month of extreme changes happening around me. I found that there seems to be a lot of issues surrounding me about ethics in the Metaphysical community. I have had this occur around me more times than I can count.
Having this happen more than once, so it had to be a lesson. This time I decided to handle the situation differently. Prior to this, I have just walked away without confronting the situation and without warning the person.
This time – I clearly confronted the situation, warned them and then gave my notice that I was walking away. Leaving with positive words and giving myself permission to live my truth. The fact was I was not comfortable with the situation and instead of smiling and putting up with it — I chose to walk away. There response was to be awful to myself and my mentor. Just one more example of Selling Spirituality by the pound.
When confronted by the person the suggested that I “painted them into a corner.” I told them that I respected their decision. They completely have free-will. Their decision created resentment within me and I chose to walk away and not to bring that into the situation. The other party has forgotten that we both have free will. However; when one chooses to do something they are not free from the consequences of that free will. Actions have consequences. Weeks earlier I clearly stated if they continued in this vain I would leave. Trust me I have had consequences from that decision both backlash and good.
Extreme Changes Can be Good
It isn’t an accident that the day before this confrontation, I had heard a talk by Mark Thomas. He spoke directly to me most of that day. He shared this quote and looked directly at me as he said it. This was what I needed to do something differently…
On evening in early December 1955 I was sitting in the front seat of the colored section of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. The white people were sitting in the white section. More white people got on, and they filled up all the seats in the white section. When that happened, we black people were supposed to give up our seats to the Whites. But I didn’t move. The white driver said, ‘Let me have those front seats.’ I didn’t get up. I was tired of giving in to white people. ‘I’m going to have you arrested,’ the driver said. ‘You may do that.’ I answered. Two white policemen came. I asked one of them, ‘Why do you all push me around?’ He answered, ‘I don’t know, but the law is the law and you’re under arrest.’ Rosa Parks
I gave them permission to follow their truth. Requesting that they respect that does not work with me and I will leave the situation. This has created a void in my life. I have learned over the years that the Universe doesn’t like a void, they will fill it. My job now is to be open to that. Where this leads me I do not know, but I am not trying to control the situation.
Why write about this extreme change in my life?
One reason — I may be able to help someone else when confronted with a difficult situation and face extreme changes as a result. I trusted my gut and you need to do the same. When something doesn’t feel right say something. Give the person an opportunity to correct the situation. Clearly define the boundaries. If they cannot accept that then walk away and wish them well. Let go of any negative emotions and start looking for what’s next. Trust me there is something next. There always is. We clearly make our own happiness in how we look at a situation. For the moment smile and have patience.