Daydream? You have read that right. You need to daydream. Daydreaming is something I seem to be doing lately.
You know the kind that you would do as a kid when there was not much going on and it would be a beautiful summer day and you would be alone for one reason or another. With nothing to do, you would sit in wonder and think about what if?
Those are the moments you have real conversations with your soul. The moments that your soul lets you in on what may happen. In a way that meditation cannot.
Things have slowed down for me. I have for the past few years been moving at a pace that as I write this, I realize that has been going so fast I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath.
To many around me it may appear that I haven’t been doing much. But then again they do not realize that the changes deep within my being are significant.
Daydreams helped me evolve
I am a new person and I think it is time to introduce myself to a few people. Coming into my own and figuring out what is next in my life. I am surrounded by amazing people and the future is bright. My connection with Spirit is part of that. It has changed me in ways that I am still learning. I really like the new me — I am confident, loving and fear no longer has a part in the decisions I make.
What does that have to do with daydreaming and my soul. Many say daydreaming is a waste of time. I know better It is where you begin to formulate the next thing in your life. Like meditation it is a way to connect with yourself and the God within you. Daydreaming gives you permission to play with the possibilities where Meditation gives you them.
The next time you catch yourself daydreaming, go with it. Don’t beat yourself up. Perhaps it is your soul giving you a clue to what is really next for you.