Sink or Swim, we all have free will to do one or the other. How many of us have heard the are you going to sink or swim in the face of difficulty? It starts with swimming lessons and our ability to learn to swim in water. There is a quote by Tom Cruise that comes to mind “When you have to cope with a lot of problems, you‘re either going to sink or you‘re going to swim.”
How many times in your life would it have been so easy to just let go and sink and just give up. We all have choices in this world. Digging in and keeping faith and working towards our dreams can be tough. Especially because so many obstacles come our way. Sometimes the Universe puts them in our way to have us decide is that what we really want.
It is in that chaos when we have so many obstacles that sometimes sinking sounds better. Letting go is no always a bad thing, but it should be done with care. Because when you give up (or sink) changes your course.
Remember — you can do it! You have the strength. Just open up the to do list and get busy!