Month: March 2022
Weekly Affirmation – Building Confidence
Are you struggling building confidence? We all have moments that we lack confidence. That lack we all need to overcome takes a small effort, so we need to build confidence. The small effort builds over time where you have confidence. This is where affirmations are a great help. This week’s affirmation is as follows: I […]
Your Daily Routine Doesn’t Have to be Difficult
Where People Go Wrong When Setting Up Daily Routines When you hear the term daily routine do you get a little anxious? Because I know I do. I want to have that order but my result is closer to total chaos. Being more productive and happy is all about balance, which starts with what habits […]
What does it mean to be authentic?
Being Authentic Is More Than Just Being Honest Whenever we hear the word authentic, we usually associate it with a material object being genuine and of real value, such as an authentic Van Gogh painting or Michelangelo sculpture. The opposite of authentic is inauthentic – not real, fake, phony, insincere. In relation to the concept […]
Want Better Sleep – Ban Screens in Bedroom
Why You Should Ban Screens From Your Bedroom You know it’s better to avoid using your phone or tablet in the hours before you go to bed. I hope you’re making strides towards putting your phone away at night, but I would like to suggest taking it a step further and banning all screens from […]
Clairvoyance – Clear Vision
The term clairvoyance (from French “clair” meaning “clear” and “voyance” meaning “vision”) refers to the ability to gain visual telepathic information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses. It is often called ESP or extrasensory perception. The power of perceiving things beyond the natural range of […]
Affirmation – I like my body
I have had a love/hate relationship with my body for years. It has taken me some time to accept that I will no longer have the body I did when I was in my 20’s when I thought I was over weight. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks […]
Health Benefits of Dreaming
Health Benefits of Dreaming We often talk about dreaming and mediumship. That our dreams help us become better connected with Spirit. Yet there are significant health benefits regarding dreaming. According to science, on average, people dream an average of two-hours every night. In that time, you will experience more than one dream which will last […]
Do You need to be More Efficient?
How to Be More Efficient You hear all the time that you or your company needs to be more efficient. But, do you know how to accomplish that? Efficiency seems like a word that is thrown at as the end-all be-all answer to problems within an organization. Without a proper plan, the likely result will […]
The First Steps to Change are Hardest
The First Step to Change is to Recognize it is Needed The first steps to changing your life are the hardest. They feel strange and the struggle is real! If you’re struggling to make healthier changes in your life, it could be that you’re not convinced a change is needed. Many of us are also […]
Strategies to Deal with a Difficult Person
10 Ways to Deal with a Difficult Person… Even when you want to pull your hair out and scream in frustration! Let’s talk about some ways to deal with a difficult person. Have you ever had to deal with someone who made you want to pull every single hair out of your head and scream […]