Upcoming Speakers at Local Area Churches
Upcoming Speakers is an interesting concept that is not unique to Spiritualism but is most prevalent in their services. It is a beautiful thing to see Spiritual Churches share and give so much to the community. I am honored to speak at many different churches and so I am not always able to attend my own churches services. I also recognize that not everyone can attend a service, so I kept a list of upcoming speakers for those that would like to take in a service. It has been too much to keep up with so here are the links to all the area churches.
Independent Spiritualist Churches
Journey Within North
Newark, NY 10:30am Sunday
Church of Divine Inspiration
Rochester, NY 10:30am Sundays
Rochester Spiritualist Society
Rochester, NY 1pm 3rd Sundays
Church of the Living Spirit
Lily Dale, NY 10:30am Sundays
Church of Spiritual Oneness
Erie, PA 10am Sundays
- Name Change effective June 12, 2019 to Erie Spiritualist Church & Holistic Center
First Spiritualist Church of Erie
Erie, PA 10:30am Sundays
Spiritualist Society of Burlington
Burlington, Ontario 10:30am Sundays
Fellowships of the Spirit
Lily Dale, NY 6:00pm Sundays
Light of Truth Church
Williamsville, NY 10:30am Third Sunday Sundays
Divine Grace Church
Williamsville, NY Last Sunday of Month 6:00pm
City of Light Spiritualist Church
Lily Dale, NY 5:30pm Last Sunday of the Month
National Spiritualist Association of Churches
Plymouth Spiritualist Church
Rochester, NY 10:30am
Attunement Spiritualist Chapel
Hamburg, NY 10:30am
Lily Dale Spiritualist Church
Lily Dale, NY 10:30am
First Spiritualist Temple of East Aurora
East Aurora, NY 10:30am