the flu

ClockOkay the stomach flu got me this week.   I was so sick and right now I am not feeling my best.   The flu got the better of me.   Been sleeping all day long.   It made me stop.  Stop hard and absolutely.

So what does one do when they really cannot do anything?   It gives you some time to think.   Time to decide what it is that I need to prioritize right now.  The flu hit me the day I finished my book.

Much of my free time has been focused on writing the book.   It is now in the proof readers hands.   I am sure there will be many edits, but now what to focus on?

Deciding What is Important

Real Estate is getting busy and the weekend showings are being scheduled.  Summer will be here before I know it.   I am deeply conflicted as to what should be my priority.

I am sure that at some point that I will be better at balancing the two sides of my life.   This time has proven to me that I have done a poor job of it.     Today I have a better plan and working towards it is what I will do….

Rev. Colleen Irwin
Reverend Colleen Irwin is a Spiritual being having a human experience as a Blogger, Wife, Mother, Mentor, Healer and Public Speaker living in Rochester New York. Colleen, a Natural Born Medium, teaches, lectures and serves Spirit when called upon. She remembers speaking with Spirit as a child and learning how to share this knowledge with others has been an adventure that she captured in her book “Discovering Your Stream”. Colleen has been mentored by Reverend Jack Rudy, and ordained as a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek by the Reverend Dan Chesboro through the Sanctuary of the Beloved. When she is not doing her Spiritual work she is a volunteer docent sharing Susan B. Anthony's history to visitors of the Susan B. Anthony House in Rochester. Her trust in Spirit gave her a new title – PREVIVOR. She now uses her platform to educate others about the BRCA genetic mutation and how one can take control of their health and well-being.
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