Career Shift

I am still evolving, yet a little calmer in finding what is next.
I am in a huge career shift and I am restless. I am working very hard at letting it evolve to what it will be and not control it. This for me is a huge difficulty. I see myself in a very specific role and yet I am being told by some that is not the direction. Still there are others that are telling me it is what I see and more.
So I opened myself up and my heart and I am allowing things to be the way that they need to be. Patient is not a word anyone would immediately use to describe me. This restlessness and not knowing is hard. I am not happy doing what I am doing, yet there is no movement in a set direction.
Career Shift
I think that this slowdown in my life is to allow what is coming next in my life to catch up to me. That I have been flying at thousand miles a minute and I have gotten ahead of where I am to be.
Now I wait. While I do that, I think I will enjoy each day a little more. Be grateful for what I do have. I guess this really is the year of patience for me. Steadfast and genuine play a big role too; but patience.