Special Healing Prayer after attack in Paris
I struggled thinking of this all day. I knew there was something that I needed to say…
Healing Prayer for Paris
I had this long winded thought that I started with:
In the words of Martin Luther King — “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Let us focus our prayers today for the world. It is a world in which media selectively reports the atrocities that happen. Where crises in Syria, Nigeria, Yemen, Baghdad, Beruit, Somalia, Libya, South Sudan and Iraq there is silence. Pray for a world that blames a refugee crisis for a terrorist attack. Say a prayer for Paris by all means, But pray more, for those that are hopeless, homeless and in harm’s way. For all those that have lost their humanity and compassion for their fellow man, It’s time to pray for humanity. Not just the instances that go viral in social media, But all events that cause heartache and that defy logic. Most importantly, may we need to remember the doorway to reformation Is never closed against any soul here or hereafter. That we need to be The light and share the love.
It boiled down to the graphic. I removed the negative stuff… Focused on the beauty and got what I thought was a beautiful message. One that I am proud to deliver tomorrow…