Tarot – Spiritual Journey
Tarot Spiritual Journey
I sat quietly just now. There is a website that I like that breaks things down in multiple categories. What was interesting I asked my guides to make me see cards that they wanted me to pay attention to.
My guides cards for today and the advice is from a website that I rarely visit but has each card broken down in many aspects of life – I chose to only focus on Spirituality responses for each card:
This is a time again to keep a positive attitude as much as possible. New understandings and insights may come to you in the blink of an eye.
10 of Swords Reversed:
The reversed 10 of Swords can mean that you have finally overcome some extremely painful parts of your past. Now it’s time to look forward. What do you want to see your life look like a year from today? Five years from today? Know that in spiritual communities, people pass in and out of favor just like they do in any other community. Don’t take such things too seriously.
10 of Wands:
Don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance if you need it. But you also have to learn when enough is enough, and when it is time to get out from under your burdens. The major theme here is to take good care of yourself, in every way, as to do so is especially critical now.
8 of Pentacles:
Consider the spiritual aspect of life with regard to your working life whether or not you work at a traditional job. Why are you doing what you are doing? What growth are you creating? You will benefit from actively reading more about spirituality and talking with those who come from belief systems other than your own. Be open, and you will benefit.
Queen of Wands Reversed:
A convincing, and perhaps domineering, older woman may try to convince you that she has all or many of the answers when it comes to spirituality. You may need to draw boundaries with her several times, in order to not be pulled into something that works for her but which you have no interest in. She may be angry or hurt as a result, but remember that no one has the right to tell you how to live your spiritual life. It’s important to think and experience for yourself.
Lot of wisdom in those cards and interpretations… My absence needs to be felt. I need to develop at the rate that is comfortable to me. No matter how much I want to fix things, it is beyond my abilities. It is time to step aside and let someone else take the reins.