Definition: Clairsentience, loosely translated, means “clear-feeling”. Clairsentience is an extremely heightened form of empathy.
It is important to understand that no two people receive information the same way. The best way I can explain it is that as a Clairsentient person, I often just clearly know something. As I give messages or readings, it is just that I clearly know of something. Other times I feel the emotions of a Spirit to convey the message to the person I am talking with.
Some of what I explain may make sense, you may read something by someone else that will make better sense of this gift.
As you progress with the gift and develop your understanding of it, it will change over time. So if you are wondering if you have this gift, here are some of the ways it may manifest.
What is it like to deal with Clairsentience?
You suddenly out of the blue think of someone and the next thing you know the phone is ringing and it is them on the phone
You may feel sad or anxious all of a sudden without reason
Have you ever just known something to be true and you have no reason to have known it before that moment?
You just know that someone needs to see a doctor because they are sick and days later you find out they have are dealing with a serious illness
You look at someone that looks completely normal, but know they are dealing with great grief and you have no idea how or why you know this.
Have you felt that someone was in distress, only to later find out it was so?
You may experience physical symptoms that belong to someone else that came out of nowhere and they just don’t feel like yours.
Have you ever felt a deep and unbreakable emotional attachment to someone else.
You can sense or “feel” someone close to you who is at a distance.
You can “feel” what someone else is feeling in a conversation — that empathy that makes you cry when you see someone else cry for instance
Sudden inspirations, insights or instincts which appear out of the blue
- A feeling that something is going to happen and then it does happen a day or two later
Ways One Receives information
Clairgustience – ability to taste
What is Clairaudience – Clear Hearing
What is Clairessence- Clear Smell
Clairvoyance – Clear Vision
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