Category: Signs from Spirit
Mementos at Inspiration Stump
I am fascinated by the mementos people leave behind at the Inspiration Stump. Sometimes Nature leaves a leaf this time of year as well. I have to think that the rocks left are just a way for people to connect and leave themselves at this sacred space. I wonder if there is a collection […]
Giving myself messages via Social Media
Often I schedule posts out on Social Media. Not sure why or when they get shuffled and new ones are launched before others that have been set up for awhile sit. There is no accident when they happen this way. Last night this quote automatically appeared just at the moment I needed to see it. […]
Questioning the Universe….
It is no secret that I love Ted Talks. They seem to pop up at the moment that I need to see them. This is a fascinating talk by Stephen Hawking. Something to think about….
When Spirit Steps in and says “It is time to write a book”
Me write a book? I have been blogging for over ten years now. Most of it has been real estate related with the last year my Spiritual writing increased significantly. Like my Real Estate writing, I was pretty confident that the material I was writing for my Spiritual side was just going out the out to […]
Scheduled Speakers for August for Local Churches
Combined Service at Lily Dale Auditorium 10:30am Church of the Living Spirit – Lily Dale & Lily Dale Spiritualist Church •August 7, 2016 Speaker: John White Medium: Addariah Waugh August 14, 2016 Speaker: Bradley Gosselin Medium: Elizabeth Gosselin August 21, 2016 Speaker: Lucinda Wilson Medium: Kimberly Kelleher August 28, 2016 Speaker: John Paananen Medium: Lynne Forget September […]
Hauntingly beautiful…
Music has a way to have an impact on one’s life… There are moments that stick with you. One such moment is this rendition of the Hallelujah chorus that was recently performed in Toronto. A moment where a human experiences is purely spiritual. The lyrics today have a very big meaning… Lyrics Well I’ve heard there […]
There is a reason this song is playing in my head tonight…
Offering Comfort in Times of Loss This song kept coming up. A friend recently lost someone dear to her heart. We aren’t very close, but we share a mutual friend and connect on social media. In moments like these, I know no words can truly ease her pain. All I can do is send love […]
Jim Carrey – A Powerful Video
Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. Love is the most important thing in life. Apparently he keeps coming in front of me. Love or Fear. I am constantly working towards making decisions that are from the position of love. Don’t get me wrong, I struggle with fear every day of my life. […]
I have seen foxes lately… in fact on Thursday I saw several of them. One at my friends house then on Google (via Firefox) and two different friends sent me photos of foxes in memes. So when so many coincidences happen I pay attention. Fox: foxes comes as a reminder that there could be a […]
The Devastating Effects of Heroin
Heroin is a nasty drug. I sit here after reading “He was a Good Boy” over at the Buffalo News Blog by Bruce Andriatch. There is no connection to him or the family the buried someone last week due to a heroin overdose. What I know is that several people that are affected by family […]