Giving myself messages via Social Media
Often I schedule posts out on Social Media. Not sure why or when they get shuffled and new ones are launched before others that have been set up for awhile sit.
There is no accident when they happen this way. Last night this quote automatically appeared just at the moment I needed to see it.
I am in a growth phase of my Spirituality and sometimes I amaze myself. Several times in the past few days, I chose to not respond to a few situations because I was not sure how I was going to respond. They angered and upset me. I wanted to explode with anger.
I chose to wait. To find the answers within me and the best way to handle the situations.
I now know how to handle the situations, which had I responded the moment I got them I would have exploded. Never the best way to handle conflict. I am surprising myself with how much patience I seem to have in situations that six months ago would have had me exploding.
There is much to do and I must be getting to it….