Breathe Better, Stress Less: Your Path to Calm
Are you looking for a better path to calm in your life? Feeling the stress from our lives can be overwhelming. Anxiety is more common than you would think. If you suffer from anxiety, nothing is worse than feeling that familiar throat-clenching and chest-grabbing lack of oxygen that threatens to make you hyperventilate, pass out […]
Shift Your Limiting Beliefs for Good
Limiting beliefs can do so much harm because they are based in fear. Have you ever wondered why, despite knowing your potential, you still hold yourself back? It’s a common struggle. We often become our own worst enemies by creating barriers in our minds. Despite knowing deep down that we’re capable and competent, these self-imposed […]
The Power of Solitude: Reasons to Embrace Alone Time
Benefits of Spending Time Alone There are reasons to embrace alone time. Spending time alone is essential for personal growth and well-being. Here’s why you should consider scheduling some solo time into your daily routine: Clear Your Mind If your thoughts are clouded or you’re feeling overwhelmed, stepping away to be alone can help immensely. […]
July 2024 Affirmation
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July 2024 Journal Prompts
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5 Tips on How to Manage Your Energy Levels
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Talk With Colleen on Patreon
Help Shape Our Patreon Community! Dear Friends, I’m excited to announce that I’m creating a Patreon community to offer exclusive content, personalized guidance, and more! But before I finalize the details, I’d love to hear from you. Your input is invaluable in helping me shape the benefits and rewards that would be most meaningful to […]
The Fascinating History of Spiritualist Trumpets
The Fascinating History of Spiritualist Trumpets The use of trumpets in Spiritualist practices has a rich and intriguing history. These tools, designed to amplify spirit voices during séances, became a popular method of spirit communication in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Although their origins cannot be traced to a single inventor, their development […]
Remote Viewing Unveiled: Historical Insights
Beyond Clairvoyance Remote viewing is one of the most misunderstood terms in the psychic field. Many think it’s the same as clairvoyance, but it’s not. The key difference? Remote viewing must be done blind. This means the viewer has no prior knowledge of what they are reading before they begin. What is Remote Viewing? This […]
Saint Katharine Drexel
Saint Katharine Drexel: A Trailblazer for Racial Justice Today I want to talk about Saint Katharine Drexel. I am fascinated by women in the late 1800s and what inspired them. Here is a woman who fought for racial justice for Native Americans and African Americans. In 1915, Katharine founded Xavier University in New Orleans, the […]