A litle patience perhaps?
A little patience is not something that I always have. I get it. We all want it now. The immediacy of the internet has created a connection that we can find out anything we want instantly. Like not all answers can be found using Google, it is also important to understand that everything takes time. Things we desire do not happen instantly.

Some times there is hard work involved. There are times that other things have to happen to enable those things we desire to happen. Life is not a box of instant mashed potatoes. That we sometimes must go within to find the answers.
Patience is a Grace
For today, be grateful for what you have, who is in your life and work towards those dreams of yours. It may not be easy to be patient, but I promise you it will be worth the wait. Gratitude is one way to show the universe that you have patience. Being grateful for the things you have is a start to greater things happening in your life.
Have you ever tried to learn something new? Remember that very fist attempt and thinking that you will never get it? The feeling of failing so many times yet trying one more time in an attempt to master something new. That is what I am talking about.