Betrayal Hurts Deeply

Dealing With Betrayal Betrayal hurts deeply, I know this first hand. Having people in our life that are close to us is an important thing for various reasons. The sense of security and understanding felt in our inner circles of confidants allows us to deal with the ups and downs of life without the dreaded […]

4 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Nourish and Support Ourselves

Why is it that we struggle to nourish and support ourselves?   That someone self-care is a negative.  This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: I now choose thoughts that nourish and support me in a loving manner. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use […]

1 min read

Stop Overthinking Your Relationship!

5 Telltale Signs You are Overthinking Your Relationship When you overthinking your relationship you can be creating problems.  Think back to your first romance. Chances are you’re probably thinking about something that happened to you in school, or not long after. These were the days when everything was brand new. When every touch, gesture, and […]

3 mins read

Do you need to make better choices?

4 STEPS TO MAKING BETTER CHOICES Making better choices is essential to your overall health, happiness, and success. When you make better choices, you understand yourself better, lead with confidence, and project positivity as you achieve your goals. With sound decision-making skills, you can ensure that you live the life you’ve always wanted. Follow the […]

2 mins read

How Mediums Receive Information – Quick Review

I am often asked How Mediums Receive Information and I thought this might be a good time to discuss.  I took some time to write about the senses Mediums use to communicate.   Just thought I would share a complete list of these sense and how they may feel. Granted these are my impressions on the subject, […]

1 min read