Tag: Strength
Weekly Affirmation – Gratitude for the Lessons
Having Gratitude for the Lessons we have on our journey is a starting point. Sometimes we don’t recognize them but when we do we should express gratitude. This week’s affirmation is as follows: Everything That is Happening Now is Happening For My Ultimate Good About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to […]
What is your focus?
This post about focus was originally posted on October 9, 2016. Today I am finding it to be an important reminder for just about everyone I come across these days. I have to remind myself about this — what is my focus? There was a point in time that someone pointed it out to me. […]
Weekly Affirmation – Taking Control of my Life
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I Am my own hero. I AM strong, persistent, and I take control of my life.
Weekly Affirmation – Inner Strength
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am stronger than I think I am. I am not tested above my capability.
Focus on the good…
Focus on the good. We hear it so often, yet we are never really taught how to do just that. There are so many times you can fall into despair over what is happening in your life. You face many challenges and it just doesn’t seem like you can’t get a break. The harder you […]
Weekly Affirmation – I am Strong
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am strong. There is nothing that I cannot achieve when I set my mind to do so
The Pressure to Pursue your Passion
Passion is not a plan. Yet from a very young age we feel the pressure to follow it. The pressure to pursue your passion starts very early in our lives. Constantly we are questioned if we are following our passions. Passion is a feeling. Feelings can change. Often these feelings are right for […]
Understanding your own limits…
Understanding your own limits is not easy. As humans There has been a situation in my own life that I have struggled with. I made a recent decision to just walk away. I didn’t do it in anger, it was with great sadness. I did a lot of soul searching on this one. The time […]
A little about extroverts and introverts…
Introverts and Extroverts are terms we use to describe people. We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. Something to think about with Personalities. We are not always what we seem like. This is a humorous talk about personalities.
Gratitude makes all the difference….
Embracing Gratitude in Every Moment What makes a difference in our happiness? My life has been rather amazing, filled with ups and downs that have shaped who I am today. I didn’t have it easy for most of my life, facing numerous challenges along the way. I can honestly say I have made many mistakes. […]