Category: Signs from Spirit
Spiritual Song Series – “I Will Take Care of You” by The Bangles
Spiritual Song Series – “I Will Take Care of You” by The Bangles. Here is the fifth in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song.
Spiritual Song Series – “Expect A Miracle” by Brenda Russell
Spiritual Song Series – “Expect A Miracle” by Brenda Russell Here is the fourth in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song.
Spiritual Song Series – “Papillon” by David Arkenstone
Spiritual Song Series – “Papillon” by David Arkenstone Here is the third in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song.
Spiritual Song Series – “Love Makes a Cup of Tea” by Gretchen Peters
Here is the second in a series of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song. Spiritual Song Series – “Love Makes a Cup of Tea” by Gretchen Peters
Spiritual Songs Series – “I Believe” by Christina Perri
Spiritual Songs Series – “I Believe” by Christina Perri. Welcome to the first of an occasional sharing of an “inspirational” song.
Try. I recently saw this video by Cobie Caillat and it impacted me. In a beautiful, uncomplicated way. For so long I have been trying to be someone – truth be told; someone anyone else will like. Forgetting that I need to like myself. That I only need to please myself. That the opinions of […]
Paying attention to repeating themes
Paying Attention has been a theme lately in my life. Back in November 2016 I wrote this post, it meant a lot to me then. Today even more. Since then, so much has happened in my life. It is hard to believe that it has only been four years. Paying attention to signs I get, […]
Protected: Worksheet Pages For Development Circle
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There are no accidents
File this under there are no accidents in life. Every once in awhile I have a feeling I need to do something. Not exactly sure why, but I trust it and go ahead and do it. At the time it may not be significant, it is only later that I understand the significance of that […]
More about signs from Spirit
I wrote this awhile ago about signs from Spirit are around if you are willing to accept them. These signs from Spirit may be loud and clear; then again they may be subtle. Today, I can tell you that I understand what happened. I now work directly with the person’s Gatekeeper — I no […]