Ask for signs and they will appear
I often ask for signs from Spirit. They don’t always appear as I think. Last night I was on the phone with a good friend of mine in San Diego bringing her up to date on what is going on with my book and her plans to come for a visit in July. Lenore and I have a wonderful friendship that picks up right where we left off even if we do not speak for weeks on end. It is comfortable and we have been through a lot together.
Seven years ago we lost our friend Laurie Manny (wow has it really been that long???). I was lamenting that I only “hear” from her on the other side when someone is in need. Like “call Carol“, “Lenore is having a rough day”, “Thesa is struggling with a decision”, “something is wrong with Irina”, “Check on Mary”, “why haven’t you called Wendy” or “go see what Kevin is up to on the internet today”. Every time that is all I hear from her . Every time the person she directs me to needs to talk.
Signs from Spirit
Now I have lengthy conversations with other guides and people that have passed, not Laurie. She is all business and once I make the call she is gone. While on the phone with Lenore, I was multi-tasking and cleaning up and in the span of our conversation I found:
- Reese Peanut Butter cup (a secret vice of hers)
- Her Beatles White Album
- A quote from her
- The card from her funeral
- a pair of earrings she made for me
- A card from me to her (she had a drawer full of them in her desk — I kept this one because it summed up the gratitude I had for the friendship)
After I hung up with Lenore, I found the KW core values framed and I was reminded that just before she Laurie away I moved to KW for the first time since being in Western New York. I found that framed core values in her desk when I cleaned it out after she passed away. It was days before she passed away that I joined Keller Williams in Buffalo. It was an awful time. She said then “it is ok, you will be safe there, they will take care of you”. I came back in January to KW. And it is a safe place.
Thank you Laurie
Laurie, I get it, you are close, perhaps I need to be quieter more often and listen to you. I have been asking for advice the past few weeks regarding business and there it was. Your quote again it came in response to a question Seth Godin posted on Triibes “If you had only two sentences to share your most valuable business advice, what would those two sentences be?”
Stay true to your mission, never lose your focus, believe in yourself.
Tell the truth, act with kindness, add value; that about covers it.Laurie Manny
There it is, you are with me, and like always you have the perfect advice….