How to pick a Medium to work with…

How to pick a Medium is always a popular question.  Lily Dale Assembly season starts soon.   There is a lot of demand for readings in Lily Dale and there is a variety of Registered Mediums that can give you a private reading on the grounds.  Now there is even more questions for Mediums online. […]

4 mins read

Have the courage to ask for what you want

Have the courage to ask.  Sounds simple until you sit down and decide what it is that you desire.   Because you can’t ask for everything all at once.   Just by asking doesn’t mean that it will happen.    You will have to put some serious work in to make it happen. For way too long I […]

2 mins read

Simple Measures to Improve Your Mood

Use Gratitude Meditations & Affirmations To Boost Your Spirit Anytime There are simple measures where you can boost your spirit.  You’ve probably heard of both meditations and affirmations, though you may be uncertain of just what they are and how they work. They may even seem a bit too new age for you, but don’t […]

3 mins read

Upcoming Mercury in Retrograde April 21 – May 14, 2023

Mercury in Retrograde.   Three words that create chaos in our everyday lives.  On January 18th of this year, we completed the first of 4 times that Mercury will go into retrograde this year.  It affected our family heavily with lots of communication issues.  Our son’s hard drive failed, I struggled with a new project at […]

3 mins read