Thank you Spirit of the Storm Radio!

Last night I had a great time with my good friend Rev. Mario on his radio show – Spirit of the Storm Radio.  We discussed parts of my book and we gave several readings through the show.   There was a discussion of ethics and rates some mediums are charging.  I happened yesterday on one Medium’s […]

2 mins read

Happy Valentine’s Day – The Valentine Quandary

Today there are several people that are cringing because they do not have a Valentine.  Just look in any direction and today there are tons of reminders of love.   For weeks now you couldn’t walk into a store or turn on the TV without a commercial idealizing romance.   Even I have written a post or […]

3 mins read

The negativity surrounds all of us….

This was originally posted on August 10, 2016, it seems still important to talk about. I have been seeing a disturbing trend in the people closest to me, in my real estate practice, in the spiritual community,  in my local, state and national governments and I am pretty sure globally. In my Mediumship I connect with those […]

5 mins read

How to improve your relationships….

How to Improve Your Relationships was originally written in November 2016, I recently came across it and there it was.   The reason my life today is better than it was then. Why I have this wonderful relationship with George, why I find that my friendships are deeper and why I am happier.   I hadn’t realized […]

2 mins read