Are you Afraid of Small Talk?

Strategies for Surviving Small Talk with Anyone When meeting new people for the first time, you’re bound to get bogged down in small talk. When you take charge of the conversation and turn it into something more interesting, you quickly become the savior of the situation and leave a much better first impression. Read on […]

3 mins read

Free Yourself from Needing the Approval of Others

Since we were children, most of us learned that it could be advantageous to make others happy. Most children want the approval of their parents, teachers, and peers. We tend to carry that same tendency into adulthood. While it’s natural to seek the approval of others, sometimes it might not be for the best. Being […]

4 mins read

Creating A Zen Space at Home

Tips for Creating Your Own Zen Space at Home Are you looking for a way to create a Zen space at home? I have created this guide to help you create your own zen space at home. It includes tips for creating the right ambiance, as well as decorating and organizing tips. You can use […]

4 mins read

Are You Committed to Excellence?

Are You Committed to Excellence? Even if you have heard of the term ‘committed to excellence’, do you fully understand what it means? The following quote is from Aristotle and defines what excellence is. “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but […]

2 mins read

Pondering all the assistance out there…

Is anyone else experiencing the same frustration?  I see a trend and it makes me uncomfortable.   I am sitting here with my in-box brimming with all sorts of assistance out there.    Of course it is buried in a course or program that the sender is offering for a fee.    There are SEO optimization […]

4 mins read

An Important Lesson About Letting Things Go

This story explains so much to me about letting go of things that we are burdened with.   That many times it takes something so simple to bring us to a better place in our thinking. Two monks were on a pilgrimage. One day, they came to a deep river. At the edge of the river, […]

1 min read

The Human Experience – Dealing with Conflict

I have been fearless in my willingness to admit my failings and have found compassion in several instances in my life.   I must be steadfast in my trust that the Universe has this and that by being loving and compassionate all will be as it needs to be.

5 mins read