The Spiritual Consequences of Carrying Others’ Burdens
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The Spiritual Consequences of Carrying Others’ Burdens

Are You Over-Giving? The Spiritual Consequences of Carrying Others’ Burdens

We don’t talk about the spiritual consequences of carrying others’ burdens.  Giving is at the heart of spiritual work, but is it possible to give too much? Absolutely. There’s a fine balance between offering support and depleting yourself to the point of exhaustion. Over-giving in the spiritual space doesn’t just drain your energy; it can also hinder both your growth and the growth of those you are trying to help.

The Wake-Up Call: Learning to Say No

For a long time, I believed I had to take care of everything and everyone. Then life gave me an undeniable wake-up call—my Previvor journey. Going through multiple surgeries forced me to focus on my own needs, and for the first time, I had no choice but to prioritize myself. I couldn’t overextend, even if I wanted to.

What happened next was surprising. Each time I took care of myself, Spirit rewarded me. My connection with the divine grew stronger, my understanding deepened, and I realized something crucial: No is a complete sentence.

Before, people assumed I would always handle things, and I let them. But once I truly embraced the power of “no,” everything changed. The people who respected me adjusted. The ones who didn’t? They resisted—and that told me everything I needed to know.

Boundaries: A Filter for Who Truly Respects You

There’s a simple truth: People who care don’t mind your boundaries. People who don’t care, mind them.

When I first started setting boundaries, I faced push back. But I stood firm. Over time, it became easier to say no to things that didn’t serve me. I realized that protecting my energy wasn’t selfish; it was necessary.

If you feel resistance when setting boundaries, ask yourself: Is this person upset because they genuinely need my help, or because they no longer have easy access to my energy? That answer is often revealing.

Signs You Are Over-Giving

Not sure if you’re giving too much? Here are some red flags:

  • You feel exhausted, anxious, or overstimulated after helping others.
  • You find yourself resenting the very people you once wanted to support.
  • You’re constantly the one stepping in to fix things while others do the bare minimum.

For me, I know I’ve overextended when I feel drained and restless. I’ve learned that when I hit that point, I need to step back and recharge. Sometimes that looks like crocheting while watching mindless TV. Other times, it’s throwing myself into a cleaning project or taking a long walk.

The key is recognizing when you need to replenish and actually allowing yourself to do it.

The Karmic Consequences of Over-Giving

Over-giving doesn’t just affect you; it impacts the people you’re trying to help.  I’ve seen this manifest in two ways:

The Receiver Avoids Growth. When we constantly carry others, we rob them of their chance to develop resilience. Some people even lean into weaponized incompetence or malicious compliance, avoiding their own spiritual work because they know you’ll step in.

The Giver Stagnates. When you believe you must be everything to everyone, your own spiritual path suffers. You become stuck in a cycle of over-functioning, unable to grow because you’re too busy carrying the weight of others.  Burnout is guaranteed.

Breaking Free from the Guilt Trap

Guilt is a powerful tool, and people who want to use you will apply it liberally.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Trusting yourself is the antidote to guilt. When you tune into your inner voice and honor what your spirit truly needs, saying no becomes easier.

And remember, “No” doesn’t require justification. If something doesn’t feel right for you, that alone is enough. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for protecting your energy.

Moving Forward: Giving Without Losing Yourself

Giving is a beautiful, sacred act—but it must come from a place of balance. When you take care of yourself first, your giving becomes more powerful, intentional, and sustainable.

So, ask yourself: Am I giving in a way that enriches my spirit, or am I depleting myself to keep others comfortable? The answer to that question might just change everything.

Have you struggled with over-giving? How have you learned to set boundaries? Share your experiences in the comments!