Tag: Fear
Don’t Be Afraid of Failure
Are you afraid of failure? Being afraid of failure is something many people experience. Nearly 33% of Americans report that fear of failure prevents them from realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. However, failure shouldn’t hold you back. In fact, achieving your goals and realizing your true potential requires it. Most of the success you see around […]
Take Control of Your Life
Four Steps to Taking Control of Your Life At some point in your life, and maybe even now, you will feel like you lost control of it or that someone else is taking control. This is normal, and many people go through this period in life more than once. No matter how hard or scary […]
Overthinking Mental Health Symptoms
5 Symptoms of Poor Mental Health from Overthinking Overthinking things can be very hard on a person, keeping you from taking action. This can lead to poor work performance. You probably already know how much overthinking can stall you out and keep you from a happier and more productive life. What you might not realize […]
Intuition Tips for a Happier Life
Tapping into Your Intuition to Live a Happier Life I want to talk about some intuition tips that have helped me over the years. Have you ever experienced a moment where you thought, “I have a really bad feeling about this!” and immediately wish you had listened to it? Well, that is your gut instinct […]
Navigating the Emotions of Regret
Coping With Regrets The emotions of regret vary. Each of us experience a variety of emotions. There is no such thing as not ever having any regrets. Regrets over past choices can dwell in the subconscious for years. It’s a feeling or thoughts that replay over and over again. More than likely you can’t change […]
Do you suffer from Autumn Anxiety?
Autumn anxiety is a form of anxiety you get seasonally, often between the end of summer and beginning of fall. Different people get it for different reasons, though it is often a type of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Preventing it comes down to understanding what it is, and what you believe is the cause for […]
Weekly Affirmation – Working Through Anxiety
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I choose to fill my mind with positive, nurturing, and healing thoughts while I suffer with anxiety
Do you need to conquer fear?
Learn to conquer fear Fears are a common part of life. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid your fears completely. The sweet spot is when you learn to conquer fear and push past it. However, you can collect tools and resources that will help you manage and control your fears. When you do this, […]
Let’s Talk About Mediumship Failures
Often we talk about various aspects of mediumship. But I want to focus on some common Mediumship Failures that happen with all Mediums at some point. Even great Mediums slip up and set themselves up to fail when they make these mistakes. There are many times we focus on the successes of Mediumship, but […]
Affirmation – I like my body
I have had a love/hate relationship with my body for years. It has taken me some time to accept that I will no longer have the body I did when I was in my 20’s when I thought I was over weight. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks […]