Tag: Life Purpose
Life Path Number
Exploring things that I don’t exactly understand so I finally understand. Numbers. I have always been drawn to them. In the past few years I see patterns with numbers and I look them up. So I looked up what my Life Path Number is and it is 11. I was born on December 23, 1965. […]
Extreme Changes – Smiling through the Pain
October has been a month of extreme changes happening around me. I found that there seems to be a lot of issues surrounding me about ethics in the Metaphysical community. I have had this occur around me more times than I can count. Having this happen more than once, so it had to be a […]
It is Time to Vote!
Today is election day. I have spoken about the importance of voting before. Many people feel it is not necessary to vote, and I believe that you really need to step up and vote. Politics is distasteful and it has paralyzed many. Right now the system is what it is. Work within it […]
Changing your Reality
See it! Believe It! Act on it! This is a very inspiring talk about transforming your current situation into your desired reality. Too often we are afraid of making necessary changes to achieve our dreams. We are afraid to change and that fear stops us from achieving our dreams.
Natural Law Talk – Attunement Spiritualist Chapel
I am very grateful for the opportunity to have spoken on September 3rd regarding Natural Law at the Attunement Spiritual Chapel. It gave me an opportunity to explore and expand my own knowledge regarding the topic. Once you start to gain an understanding on the topic, you begin to grow in ways you cannot comprehend […]
The Journey of talks Plan B and C fail; yet I am calm.
The journey I take when I put talks together is interesting. Sometimes it is easy, other times I am at a complete loss. Then there are the times that Spirit has me rewriting until the morning of a talk. I arrive at the podium and what comes out of my mouth looks nothing like what […]
What makes a house a home?
In my Real Estate life, I assist people in finding their homes. It is a simple process in theory but in reality it is one of the most complicated things going. I am not an order taker — I am a fulfiller of dreams and I can make magic happen for those I work with when […]
Serving Others… Quickest way to find joy…
Yesterday was pretty amazing day… A fellow Medium and I went on an adventure together and it filled me with such joy. We went down to the First Spiritualist Church in Erie. We had planned on going to Lily Dale the day before, but a little voice in my head said, go to Erie. So we […]
What is your talent?
I ran into a woman once that said to me “oh you are so talented, I can’t do any of those clever things you do.” I was a little surprised by her response to a rather simple thing I do with sending cards out to others. I hardly thought it was a talent. Perhaps my […]