Tag: Leadership
Reflections from an exercise in class…
I was lucky to take a class in Lily Dale this summer as a coordinator which the Instructor included us in. It was fun and I learned a lot. On the first day we were given homework. Name three people we admire and write down their attributes that we are drawn to. Write down why […]
The Power of Motivation
Human Motivation. It isn’t always the reward that motivates people to accomplish tasks. For 21st Century tasks this doesn’t work. This is interesting when I think about the Spiritual Community. Too many organizations are making their financial decisions on antiquated assumptions. This is something to think about…. Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.
The Journey of talks Plan B and C fail; yet I am calm.
The journey I take when I put talks together is interesting. Sometimes it is easy, other times I am at a complete loss. Then there are the times that Spirit has me rewriting until the morning of a talk. I arrive at the podium and what comes out of my mouth looks nothing like what […]
Weekly Affirmation – Finding Diplomatic Ways
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am Patient, Tolerant and Diplomatic.
Happiness never decreases by being shared…
I think of this a lot lately. When I share joy it is seems to expand. It is also wonderful to share when others achieve. It doesn’t take away from my achievements by celebrating others. We are all connected and when we accept this, life gets easier. So why do others have such difficulty in […]
I have seen foxes lately… in fact on Thursday I saw several of them. One at my friends house then on Google (via Firefox) and two different friends sent me photos of foxes in memes. So when so many coincidences happen I pay attention. Fox: foxes comes as a reminder that there could be a […]
Citizens Responsibility – To Keep Elected Officials Accountable
We the People Citizens Responsibility is to keep elected officials accountable. Blame it on the approaching Mercury in Retrograde, I have been thinking a lot about this lately. Here are my reflections on leadership in the world. Then I saw this from Susan B. Anthony “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants […]
People purchase the brand — not the item or service
A brand is important to an individual as a corporation. Being unique is not a brand, and we don’t have to be the best to be successful. It isn’t who you know — it is who knows you. Three words that build a brand is ALL ABOUT THEM. The most powerful brands are successful because […]
How Great Leaders Inspire Action
I look around and see leadership shortcomings everywhere. I see it in non-profit organizations, business, professional associations and even in churches. Even in families I see it. Very few people understand their purpose. Why their organization exists. So it is very hard to communicate your value to the end consumer. People don’t buy what you […]
Walking the walk isn’t easy; Do it anyways!
Walking the walk you talk is not too common. Sometimes I think that REALTORS are some of the most Spiritual people I know. Bear with me, as I give you an example from my professional experience. I promise, it will make sense about Spirituality. A long time ago back in the early days of my […]