Anger takes away from your happiness…
1 min read

Anger takes away from your happiness…

Anger is an emotion that does so much harm to the person that holds it.  I used to hold on to being angry all the time.  It was how I was raised, in an angry environment.  I didn’t know any better.  It is a learned behavior.  Manifested in my lashing out or shutting down, yelling uncontrollably, slamming doors and my hating myself.

Now I do know better.  Focusing on the negative will not bring you a happy life.   It took a lot of self discovery to understand that letting go of being angry did I discover real joy.   I can tell you it is not an easy journey, but you will be happy you did.

The next time you are filled with anger, let it go and put your energy into something productive.   Take a few moments and understand what is triggering you.  I promise it will be uncomfortable but all transformations have some elements of it.   I grew up in an angry family, I did not know better.  It took time to understand the differences.  If you are always angry you will attract more situations that are like it.

Experience happiness and you will attract more.    This  means focus on gratitude, will help you start your journey to happiness.  Like all learned behaviors it takes time to learn it…

Go ahead, give it a try.