I have control over the outcomes in my life. In doing so, I am the captain of my ship. I limit the power of others to determine the course of my life.
My thoughts are chosen by me. I have the choice to select thoughts that serve me or sabotage me. I choose thoughts that propel me into the future with certainty and confidence. By controlling my thoughts, I have control over my actions and results.
I choose what I focus upon. The choice to focus on those things and people that bring me happiness and support my future plans. My focus determines what I accomplish and what is left undone. I choose the objects of my focus carefully and intelligently.
I choose my friends and the other members of my social circle. Allowing only people into my life that are helpful and pleasant. I may sometimes have to deal with a disagreeable person, but I limit their impact on my life. The option of adding and removing people from my life, is mine.
I choose my career. There are many ways I could earn money, but I choose a way that I enjoy. My career brings me self-respect.
Today, I am reminding myself of the power I possess to create the life I desire. That responsibility I am taking for my past, present, and future. I am the master of my life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. When have I failed to take control of my circumstances?
2. What can I do to exercise more responsibility over my life?
3. What do I gain by blaming others for the deficits in my life?