Tag: Happiness
Fall is here….
I blinked and the year has gone by so fast. There have been so many changes in my life and I am the happiest I have been in years. There is so much going on and I am struggling to keep it all in order. The removal of Real Estate from my professional life has […]
Weekly Affirmation – Parent Needs Differ
Parent needs differ, yet there is a common thread. They love their children and they want to see them succeed. We are handed this baby as we leave the hospital and are expected to know exactly what to do. It isn’t so instinctive. We struggle, we have doubts and we make mistakes. To get through […]
The Pressure to Pursue your Passion
Passion is not a plan. Yet from a very young age we feel the pressure to follow it. The pressure to pursue your passion starts very early in our lives. Constantly we are questioned if we are following our passions. Passion is a feeling. Feelings can change. Often these feelings are right for […]
How to improve your relationships….
How to Improve Your Relationships was originally written in November 2016, I recently came across it and there it was. The reason my life today is better than it was then. Why I have this wonderful relationship with George, why I find that my friendships are deeper and why I am happier. I hadn’t realized […]
Weekly Affirmation – How to be Happy
Being happy is a choice. How to be happy is self-driven. This weeks affirmation is as follows: Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations. I personally find using the same affirmation for […]
Have a Happy Day!
Why is it so many people struggle to have a happy day? When things go awry there are a few choices you have. Make the best of it, or let it destroy you. Removing the emotion and moving forward isn’t always easy. We have a lifetime of experiences that color our thinking. It is a […]
Winter is coming…
Soon the snow will fall, not that you need a reminder that winter is coming. Time to shift gears and focus on the beauty of what is in front of us instead of wishing that it is 75 degrees and sunny. Now is the time where you take time, slow down and allow yourself […]
Happiness is a choice
Today I am at a point in my life that I can just be happy. There isn’t a person or a thing that are the reason I am happy. I am just happy. Perhaps taking a step back and selecting the things I do because they make me feel good is the reason. If something does […]
Transformation and New Beginnings…
New beginnings are exciting and they are scary. Today is a new start in this transformation of mine. It is not a huge moment. In fact, it is one of those small moments. It is not a specific date, but a mindset for me. I see the world as a beautiful place. There is no […]
Gratitude makes all the difference….
Embracing Gratitude in Every Moment What makes a difference in our happiness? My life has been rather amazing, filled with ups and downs that have shaped who I am today. I didn’t have it easy for most of my life, facing numerous challenges along the way. I can honestly say I have made many mistakes. […]