Winter is coming…
Soon the snow will fall, not that you need a reminder that winter is coming. Time to shift gears and focus on the beauty of what is in front of us instead of wishing that it is 75 degrees and sunny.
Now is the time where you take time, slow down and allow yourself the opportunity to regroup. Yes you are allowed time to rest. With the upcoming holidays and the hustle and bustle you often feel that you have to do things. Remember that you can say no.
Simplify your life this time of the year. Spend time at home, catch up with a few good books or perhaps binge watch a series you have not had time to see. Perhaps it is time to paint a room or redo your bedroom? It may be the perfect time to start going through all your stuff and purge yourself of all that you no longer need. Start a new meditation practice or take this time to connect with your guides.
Winter is a perfect time to do get ready for the busy that Spring, Summer and Fall seem to bring. Take some time to rest and reflect.