Tag: Discernment
What is discernment?
When teaching mediumship I cover lots of topics. One area is discernment. It can be hard to know what is coming from Spirit and what is your interpretation. Knowing this fine difference can result in better messages from Spirit for your sitter. In this quick video I explain how Discernment is a powerful tool for Mediums.
This group of articles talk about it in one way or another. It boils down to Awareness, Understanding, and Action. Once you understand this, your messaging becomes on-point and powerful to the recipient. Highest and best doesn’t mean that the sitter will like what is being said. We must put aside our desire to please the sitter. Not always easy.
Mediumship is a practice. We are always looking to improve and become better. Discernment is the first step in the process.
Weekly Affirmation – Discernment
This weeks affirmation is as follows: I clearly, distinctly, accurately, and immediately distinguish between what things actually are and how things seem to be. I have highly advanced intuitive discernment. About Weekly Affirmations – Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations. I personally find using the same affirmation for 7 days more effective, so […]
2019 Year of Peace – Happy New Year
Year of Peace. That is what I want. I have struggled over the years, fought what it was that I was going to do with my life. I am finding balance. If you have been following my blog for many years you know that I take time each year and select three words to focus […]