Month: May 2023
Become a Great Storyteller
Storytelling Tips – Delivering Your Story in Person What makes a great storyteller? Someone who captures the imagination of the listener and transport the listener to an experience that builds a connection. Storytelling is a significant tool that guarantees the necessary response to a call to action. However, this can only be the case, if […]
Identifying Your Needs
Tips For Identifying Your Needs Identifying your needs isn’t always easy. The majority of people didn’t sit down and learn what they need to feel secure, loved, and safe. We only start to put this information together once you experience security, love, and safety. When we’re on the receiving end of these we recognize that […]
I may not be the Medium you want
I may not be the Medium you want, but I am pretty sure you need me. Okay even to me that seems a rather egotistical, yet we really need to have an uncomfortable conversation about mediumship. I have had several people push my boundaries with regards to readings. Lately I have been getting calls from […]
Weekly Affirmation – Inspiration
When seeking inspiration we often overlook the simplest things. Keeping open to the inspiration from the divine we need to know it may not be what we recognize easily. It being open it is helpful using affirmations. Affirmations have helped me in so many ways, I bet that they can assist you too. This week’s […]
Weekly Affirmation – Understanding the Good
The good of a bad situation isn’t easy to look at. Too often we focus on the loss rather than the gain. Pain, fear are two powerful emotions. They stop us from being grateful. Gratitude starts when we focus on the good. If you are struggling with this, you may find the use of affirmations […]
Weekly Affirmation – Surrounded by Love
We all are surrounded by love. The problem is we don’t always see it. Especially when we are in desperate need of it. Ironically, we are the reason that it eludes us. When we are focused on the lack, we only lack more of it. This is where affirmations have been a game changer for […]
Medium vs. Psychic – Who is better? Is there a difference?
Medium vs. Psychic There is always a questions of Medium vs. Psychic. Not all mediums claim to be psychic and not all psychics claim to be mediums. But then there are people like me, who consider themselves psychic mediums. There’s a little bit of overlap. We utilize both abilities as we go through life. The truth […]
How to Read Tarot Cards
How to Read Tarot Cards There are many ways to read tarot cards and the interpretations are many. Although interpretations of tarot cards may differ from one interpreter to another, there are many universal symbols on cards that are permanent. The more knowledge you have about symbolism, the easier it will be to understand its […]
Weekly Affirmation – Overcoming Obstacles
Obstacles happen, overcoming obstacles may be a struggle. When you find that you are struggling, try using affirmations to assist you. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am able to overcome any obstacle placed in my way. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations. I personally find using the […]
Tarot Cards with the element of Gratitude
Today the focus on those cards that have an element of gratitude.