Year: 2016
Happy 21st Birthday Nicholas!
This song sums it up completely. Motherhood and what I feel for my son Nicholas. Nicholas, on your 21st birthday, my wish for you is peace and happiness always. I just want you to know that I believe in you and I want you to achieve and be everything you dream of. Because it is […]
Weekly Affirmation – Pay attention to inner conflict….
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I listen lovingly to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I get to peace around it.
The Magic of a Fairy
Every once in awhile I am reminded about a Fairy. Usually when I am at a cynical point in my life. Especially when I am taking myself too seriously. Perhaps we need to believe in fairies and a world full of love and magic. Hate and violence take away joy. Fear usually starts this process. […]
Did I make the Most of Loving You…
This talk later today was a journey for me. I learned much along the way. But for now it is done. Just in time. Spirit always gives it to me just in time… Reminder to trust that I will have what it is that I need. This talk I will just have several points to […]
The Journey of talks Plan B and C fail; yet I am calm.
The journey I take when I put talks together is interesting. Sometimes it is easy, other times I am at a complete loss. Then there are the times that Spirit has me rewriting until the morning of a talk. I arrive at the podium and what comes out of my mouth looks nothing like what […]
You must take care of yourself….
Makes sense, when you get on an airplane the instructions before takeoff tell you to put our own oxygen mask before you assist someone else. It is ok to take a step back. It is ok to take time you need to nourish your soul. Because in doing that, you are able to help others […]
Well you are amazing…
You are amazing. It is important to remember that you are perfect just the way you are. Flaws, mistakes and all are amazing.
Upcoming Speakers-Local Area Spiritualist Churches for July 2016
It is the beginning of summer and it is going to be a busy one! July 3 and 10 I will be down in Erie PA. The rest of July I hope to catch some of the Lily Dale season. Lily Dale Season Church of the Living Spirit – Lily Dale and Lily Dale Spiritualist […]
Weekly Affirmation – Finding Diplomatic Ways
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am Patient, Tolerant and Diplomatic.
Some people are always be looking for your reaction.
Why me? Why would my reaction to something someone else did be so important? I used to react all the time to different people and situations. I look back and see it was a sporting event to others. They would get entertained by my reactions to situations. I caught on and I see things and […]