Well you are amazing…

You are amazing. Yes you reading this and thinking that it must be a mistake. It is important to remember that you are perfect just the way you are. Once you realize this, you will be on your way to genuine happiness.
Don’t let the opinions of others affect how you feel about yourself. Don’t let that type of negativity in your life. Remember sometimes people threatened by your awesomeness will work at making you have self doubt. They may do it directly, but it does happen.
Amazing is who you are
We all have gifts to share in this world, we all can be healers — a smile, phone call or note can help someone heal. Some of us are Mediums and we help people start the healing process by giving them confirmation that someone they love that has passed away still cares. Others just by being who they are create a positive ripple in the Universe and bring joy to others.
If you are new at something, just remember each failure you have teaches you something, making you better at the thing you do. You know what they say to “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” — it is “Practice, practice, practice.” Some people never try so they see you trying and it may inspire them to try.
The next time you are feeling not so amazing, stop for a moment and remember you are amazing! Just because someone else cannot appreciate who you are and what you offer does not negate your awesomeness!