Find Balance in Sixes
I was told awhile back “watch for sixes” and I was confused? It was some advice I received some time back. At the time, I struggled with balance in my life. No wonder with all the changes coming my way.
Awhile ago, a good friend of mine told me to watch for 6’s because I am seeking balance in my life. That when I start to see them, that will be my sign that I am finding what I seek. I forgot about it until tonight when all of a sudden I started to see those sixes…
Today driving on route 62 at 6:06pm the odometer turned to 66,666 miles with the temp being 26 degrees. On the radio Six Pence None The Richer singing Kiss me. (6 letters).
Trust the Process
Looks like balance is coming my way. It amazes me how such a simple message from a friend in a dark moment comes back to me. Everything in its own time, the Divine has a plan, I just need to keep faith that it will make sense to me at some point.
The hard part — I don’t get to decide when. Finding the patience to get there is all I can do. In doing that I can set things into motion to improve my life. And like today, I am pleasantly surprised by Spirit with the signs that I am finding balance in my life.